Global economic growth is expected to slow from an estimated 3.0% in 2022 to 1.9% in 2023, the lowest level in decades, according to the United Nations World Economic Situation Prospects (WESP) 2023 report.
Countries need companies like GAFA in the U.S. and BATH in China to drive global market capitalization.
Japan's economy ranks 3 in the world in terms of GDP (some reports indicate that it will drop to 4 by 2023), but its GDP per capita is increasingly weak.
As a Japanese company, we must first become a company that contributes to the Japanese economy and also has an impact on the global economy.
What our company should do to achieve this is manufacturing. This is because although Japan is resource-poor, it is unbeatable in terms of R&D capabilities.
The key is deep tech.
Let us climb the mountain of "manufacturing(MONOZUKURI) that no other country in the world has" together.
世界経済の成長率は、2022年の推計3.0%から2023年には1.9%に減速する見通しであり、ここ数十年で最低水準になると、国連の『世界経済状況・予測2023(World Economic Situation Prospects (WESP) 2023)』報告書は指摘している。
そのために私たちの会社がやるべきは、モノづくりである。 日本は資源が乏しいが、研究開発力では負けていないからだ。